We moved to the sunny state of Florida in 2017. For the first few years, we flew to Iceland frequently, regenerated, connected with friends and family, creating memories and breathing in the Icelandic cold fresh air. It was the perfect life, two extremes, molded together.
Then Covid hit.
It was such a shocker, but in the name of a connected world, we contributed keeping our fellow humans safe....then the travel bans lifted! Yes, we can take off, but No. We had applied for the green card and were stuck in that journey. We could fly to Iceland, but not return. Bummer!
These are my memories; 9 snapshots of Iceland.

I close my eyes, remembering the cold winter days with snow, layers upon layers of clothing heading out into the 24/7 darkness.
I miss winter.
I miss the ever-changing texture of nature of the Arctic Island in the North with the unique balance between nature and humans. With stars and moon reflecting on the frozen ground, lighting up my path.
I will be home soon.

I remember - I miss it.
These embroidered memories use variety of methods and materials, on wooden framed canvas. All pieces are unique, each full of rich texture of the North made with fibers, threads, Icelandic rocks and found objects on canvas.